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1-855-SALAMIS (725-2647)

Regular Lean Prosciuttino Hot Whole

Regular Lean Prosciuttino Hot Whole


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Lean Prosciuttino or dry cured loin of pork is Superior Meats alternative to the traditional leg of prosciutto. First the leanest meat is salted in brine, then it is seasoned with just the perfect mix of chili pepper and paprika and cased. When ready it is pressed flat and air dried for an extended period of time. The end result is a mouthwatering, succulent dry cured prosciuttino. A perfect example of ideal meat to fat ratio. Its convenient size and great taste makes it very popular. Slice by hand using a sharp knife or a small meat slicing machine. Protein rich with an abundance of vitamins and trace elements. It is Gluten Free with No Fillers and No MSG. Due to the nature of the product there might be a slight weight variation. . Due to the nature of the product there might be a slight weight variation. Eat it accompanied by either melon or figs and with good bread. It can also be part of a main course.


Suggested Wine:
Dry Riesling, Cold lager

Suggested Cheese:
Villagio cheese, Manchego Cheese


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